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Woman entrepreneur creating systems to run her business

3 Easy Systems to Implement in Your Business Today

June 10, 20238 min read

“Systems become your superheroes in your business that saves you from work-overload frustrations!"

"How do I take my business to the next level without turning my life upside down?"

The answer is - Systems! Now, don't let that formal term scare you off. It's not rocket science, it's just about organizing your workflow.

Think of your business as your favorite flower garden. Each coaching session is a beautiful blooming flower, but to make sure we're not stepping on our roses while trying to water our lilies, we need some structure - our pathways. That's our systems! They're there to aid your growth.

 Now, let's have a little chat about why we need these systems in the first place. The truth is, they are the superheroes that save us from work-overload frustrations, and who doesn't love a superhero?

 Imagine your team's workflow right now. You have a stellar strategy, but is the execution always smooth and peaceful? Probably not. Well, the systems are here to banish the chaos and help you reach your goals faster by integrating all your tasks into a seamless process.

Here's the magic these systems work:

• They make us more efficient.

• They help us do more in less time and with more consistency.

• They aid us in staying on brand and reduce frustrations.


Let's not confuse habits with systems. A habit is just something you do repetitively, like downloading a free PDF and saving it anywhere on your computer without a second thought. A system, on the other hand, is when you strategize and organize these tasks. It saves you time, effort, and those forehead-wrinkling moments of frustration when you can't find that downloaded PDF you so urgently need!

So, ready to spice up your workflow with some systems? Here are 3 easy-to-implement systems that will make a world of difference in your business:


  1. Onboarding our Clients Firstly, assess what's working for you and what's not. Need a shared folder? A contract? How about a deposit system? I can share how I handle onboarding with my clients - from creating shared Google folders and intake documents to sending out emails with all necessary links and scheduling appointments. Once you have a system, everything flows seamlessly.

  1. Tracking Our Business Finances Ladies, keeping tabs on our finances doesn't have to be a nightmare. I use a simple, cloud-based spreadsheet that tracks my expenses automatically. I keep it easily accessible on my browser bar and update it with any miscellaneous expenses. Of course, as your business grows, you'll likely hire an accountant, but until then, this simple system can save you a lot of headaches.

  1. Off-boarding Our Clients When it's time to bid adieu to our clients, it's essential to gather feedback and testimonials. I use a straightforward system, reaching out via email or creating quick videos, to collect these invaluable pieces of information that significantly enhance my branding and marketing strategies.


Let’s dig into each one of these areas to learn how you can create some systems.


Onboarding our Clients

This is your client's first impression of working with you - so let's make it count! Once your client has agreed to work with you, let's give them a warm welcome. Here's how I do it:

 • Creation of a Shared Google Folder: All client-related materials and information are stored here, neatly organized, with access shared between you and the client.

 • Intake Document Creation: This is a handy document that stores all the vital information about your client. It's like a quick cheat-sheet you can refer to anytime you need to recall details about the client.

 • Folder on my Computer: This is where you save offline documents or files related to your client, neatly catalogued for easy access.

 • Master Spreadsheet: An overview of your project, tracking progress and updates in real-time.

 • Welcome Email: This email includes the payment link for the deposit, link to the shared Google folder, onboarding video details, next appointment scheduling, and their next action items.

This organized system means that you're not scrambling to find information about your clients or their files, ensuring a smooth start to your partnership!


Tracking Our Business Finances

Financial clarity is essential in business, and a simple, well-organized system can work wonders. My weapon of choice is a cloud-based spreadsheet with an individual sheet for each month.


Regular Expenses: Items that you spend on each month like marketing expenses, software, VA, etc., are pre-populated in the spreadsheet.

Miscellaneous Expenses: Lines are left blank for one-off expenses like a book purchase, an online course, or postage.

 • Automatic Calculations: The spreadsheet is set up to auto calculate these expenses, making your year-end calculations a breeze!

 • Browser Shortcut: A shortcut on your browser bar ensures that this spreadsheet is just a click away, making real-time tracking a habit.

Remember, if your business grows significantly, hiring an accountant could be the next logical step. But, for now, this system will keep your finances in check.


Off-boarding Our Clients

As your journey with a client comes to an end, it's time to gather feedback and testimonials that can help your future marketing strategies.


Feedback Form: A simple online form sent via email can gather insightful feedback about your services.

 • Testimonials: Happy clients can share their experiences in a written format or through a quick video (using a platform like Bravo). These testimonials not only boost your brand credibility but also serve as a source of inspiration and motivation for you.

 • Organized Testimonial Collection: Once you gather the feedback and testimonials, organize them systematically, so they are readily available when needed for branding and marketing strategies.


Remember, a good off-boarding experience leaves a lasting impression and could be a deciding factor for referrals or future collaborations.

 Now, with these additional details, we're taking the systems from merely efficient to impressively robust, ready to handle the scaling up of your business with grace and confidence.

 Just remember to keep refining and optimizing them as your business grows and changes. After all, your business is a living entity that evolves, and so should your systems. Let's put these into action and watch your business thrive!

Systems Are a Necessity to Scale

If you truly want to scale your business, implementing systems isn't just an option - it's a necessity. It's the secret sauce that successful online coaching businesses use to create more freedom, more impact, and more income without the overwhelming stress and chaos.


Remember, systems help you work smarter, not harder. They give you back your time and energy, allowing you to focus on what you do best—coaching, inspiring, and transforming lives.


So, if you're ready to step into this new chapter of growth, I'm excited to share an incredible opportunity with you.


Welcome to the Heart-Centered Scale mentoring program! This unique program is specifically designed to help you, incredible lady-bosses, step up and transform your online coaching business. But what exactly can you expect from this program?


  1. Lead Generation Systems: Attracting your ideal clients shouldn't feel like finding a needle in a haystack. We'll design a foolproof system to consistently attract high-quality leads that are aligned with your services and are ready to transform with your coaching.

  2. Selling and Delivery Systems: You've attracted your ideal clients, but now, you need to wow them with your services. We'll create a selling system that feels genuine, authentic, and respectful—no icky sales pitches here! And once your client says 'yes,' a seamless delivery system ensures that your coaching provides maximum transformation.


  1. Scaling Systems: Finally, to take your business to the next level, we'll implement powerful scaling systems. These will enable you to serve more clients, expand your offerings, and even build a team, all without diluting the quality of your coaching.


Now, the best part about the Heart-Centered Scale mentoring program is that you're not alone in this journey. You'll have twice-weekly live training and support directly from me. Plus, you'll get the hands-on technical support you need to ensure your systems run like a well-oiled machine.

 No more struggling with tech glitches, no more feeling lost or overwhelmed. Just a clear, straightforward path to scaling your business with grace and confidence.

 Does this sound like the kind of transformation you want for your business?

 If so, I'd love to invite you to apply for the Heart-Centered Scale program. It's application-based to ensure that we're a good fit for each other, and that I can truly help you reach your business dreams.

 Are you ready to take the leap?

Are you ready to invest in your future and make a bigger impact than ever before?

 Let's take this journey together and make your dreams a reality!

 Here’s the link to apply, and I can't wait to help you level up your business.

 Remember, amazing lady-bosses, the future of your business is in your hands. It's time to implement systems, scale confidently, and create a business that truly serves you and your clients. Let's do this together!


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Debbi Starr

Online marketing coach, funnel builder, and automations specialist.

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